Friday, March 1, 2013

Me??? Sew???

In the summer of 2009,  I took a Square of the Month class at our local quilt store with a few friends.  I had never really done any sewing before that (I don't count the sewing class I took in Jr. did not go well).  At first we had fun in the class.  It was something we could all do together and each month we would do lunch and then go to the class.  It was fun.  We attended most of the classes, but after a while, I lost interest.  I liked sewing, but some months I hated the square that was given the class.  Why sew something that you hate?  We tried the class the same class the next year and I dropped it almost immediately.  We tried other classes, a civil war quilt (ugh, I'm not going to get into the many reasons why that was a nightmare), applique (that was a little TOO ambitious for us) and none of them seemed to do much for me.  After that I thought maybe sewing wasn't my thing.

Three years ago for my birthday, a friend bought me a quilt kit that I had fallen in love with.  I thought it would be a perfect quilt for my niece.  THREE. YEARS. AGO.  When I first got it I was pretty overwhelmed by it.  I didn't know where to start and when I started cutting out fabric, I cut some of it wrong.  It all seemed too hard to do.  It's amazing how we put things off when we think we can't do something. 

But look at it now!  Finished and oh so sweet!  I can't believe I finally finished it!  It's not perfect.  There are a LOT of mistakes.  But I must say, I'm pretty proud of it!  I love that I can say that I did it all on my own. 

The pattern was from All People Quilt  And the fabric is Michael Miller

I gave this to my sweet niece for Christmas last year.  She loved it.

Now I sew almost every day. I have fallen in love with creating with fabric. I think about sewing and fabric almost all the time. I find myself dreaming of sewing and patterns and new things I want to try. I don't know that I've ever been this passionate about a "hobby" before.  I find myself getting excited to try new things.  It's a far cry from 2009 when I was throwing in the towel.  I'm so glad I found my way back.  Because this just feels right to me.

1 comment:

  1. One day I hope to sew too and I will go to you for help. I love, love, love this!!
